Tuesday, January 7, 2020

Christianity, Islam, Hinduism And Buddhism - 1206 Words

Introduction On earth, there are seven continents, one hundred ninety-six countries and a population of seven billion one hundred twenty-five million. What makes everyone stand out is their religion and culture. There are approximately four thousand two hundred religions, faiths and belief systems in the world. Out these many faiths, the most followed and practiced ones are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Being the most practiced religion Christianity has over two billion followers. At second, Islam has over one billion adherents. Hinduism has about nine hundred million followers and Buddhism has about four hundred million followers. Soon after are Sikhism, Judaism and Baha’ism. Like most of the other religion, Christianity has a God. Christians believe that Jesus is the Son of God, and was the messiah promised in the Old Testament. It is believed that Jesus was sent by God to earth to save humanity from the consequences of its sins. They believe that there is only one God and that he is perfect, omnipresent and knows everything. It is believed that He created the universe, operates it and intervenes in it. God loves everyone unconditionally though adherents have to comply with various conditions in order to achieve salvation. Although Christians believe that there is one God, they believe he has three forms: God the Father, God the Son and The Holy Spirit. God the Father is believed to be Jesus’ father. He sent an angel to Mary, Jesus’ mother, who gave her aShow MoreRelatedHinduism, Buddhism, Christianity, And Islam2109 Words   |  9 Pagesit something completely different? There are various different religious views held on death by Hinduism, Buddhism, Christianity and Islam. There are also non-religious worldviews about death by postmodernists. One lives his life based on what they perceive will befall them after death. Therefore, the way one lives their life is controlled by what they believe will happen after their death. Hinduism is one of the world’s oldest religions and is still around today, being the third largest religionRead MoreChristianity, Islam, Buddhism, And Hinduism2587 Words   |  11 PagesMany religions are practiced throughout the world. The most common ones are l Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism. Each of these have their own views, preachers and followers. Every religion is independently known because of its distinguishing holy being and god to be worshipped. Religions give their followers the particular strategies and rules in which to lead their lives. These rules and strategies give the distinctive identity to the followers of the particular religion. TheRead MoreChristianity, Islam, Hinduism, And Buddhism Essay2361 Words   |  10 Pagesprovide morals to help stop injustices that comes from the capitalistic society that ushers globalization to every corner of the earth. He also states that globalization is mutually beneficial to the global religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism because it â€Å"can help free world religions from troubling alliances with particular communal identity and politics and nudge them to rediscover their genuine universality.† For Volf, these religious practices â€Å"are not ‘by nature’Read MoreIslam, Hinduism, Buddhism And Christianity Comparison1025 Words   |  5 PagesPractices of Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity Comparison Hinduism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and Christianity developed centuries ago and have been practiced since then to today. Groups of people who practice these religions are bound to the conventional norms, beliefs, cultures and way of life of each. Each religion has a particular faith in a supreme being (Woodhead, Partridge Kawanami, 2016). Muslims believe in Allah, Christians believe in Jesus Christ, Hindus believe inRead MoreChristianity, Confucianism, Buddhism, Hinduism, And Islam2580 Words   |  11 Pagesâ€Å"self† in Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Taoism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Please state the views of each tradition fully and clearly. In life, one will undertake a spiritual journey in which you will uncover the meaning of the self. Many religions, including Hinduism, Confucianism and monotheistic religions, have developed philosophies placing importance of the â€Å"self.† Emphasis on morality, virtues, honest contribute to the development of the inner self. In religions such as, Islam and JudaismRead MoreSimilarities Between Hinduism And Buddhism942 Words   |  4 PagesCCOT Essay Hinduism and Buddhism were both founded and popular in northern India by 600 CE. Although Hinduism and the Hindu caste system maintained a strong influence in South Asia throughout 600-1750 CE, the Hindu majority eventually gave way as Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, and syncretic faiths gradually moved in and across the Indian Ocean basin by 1750 CE. Even then, Hinduism did spread from northern India through southern India to Southeast Asia. The caste system was maintained from 600-1750Read MoreSimilarities Between Christianity And Islam1409 Words   |  6 Pages Christianity and Islam were both spread in socially and economically similar and politically different. They both had an important people that role and spread of the religions. Christianity included the individuals of who believe in Jesus Christ. Christians are the flowers of the Christ who often believed is the son of the God (â€Å"the father†); Christians strongly believe that Christ will return after the next life; the end of the world. Islam consists of individuals who believe in Allah, the godRead MoreWorld Religion: Christianity the Most Widespread Religion in The World1473 Words   |  6 Pagesaround the world. The six world religions are Christianity, Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Confucianism. Many of these religions are monotheistic, which is the belief of only one god or one higher power. There are also polytheistic believers, which is the belief in many or more than one god. These six world religions have a lot in common and they also have their differ ences that make their certain religion or belief special to them. Christianity is the most widespread religion in the worldRead MoreThe Religions Of Islam, Hinduism, And Buddhism1241 Words   |  5 Pagesdeveloping world. This paper will discuss the major religions of Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism and how these faiths connect to politics of nations. Islam has always been a very mixed within state and society as a whole, with no true line between church and state. Islam began in the Arabia by the Prophet Muhammad in the seventh century, and is the second largest religion in the world today. Muslims are the followers of the Islam and believe in only on God, or Allah. Muslims base their beliefsRead MoreClassification of Religions1509 Words   |  7 PagesRELIGIONS: Abrahamic religions are the religions that originate from one source i.e. Abraham (A.S). These are monotheism religions i.e. belief in the existence of one and only one GOD. The main three Abrahamic religions are: * Judaism * Christianity * Islam JUDISM Judaism is among the worlds oldest monotheistic religions and the first of the three Abraham religions. Around 12 million people in the world believe in Judaism. They are mostly in the United States and Israel. The Torah, or Hebrew

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